the inside story

Without Fear or Doubt

Ministering in a Muslim dominated country in Central Asia is not easy – those who do are liable to be labelled as ‘infidels’ or ‘traitors to the religion’ by the predominantly Muslim people alongside whom they live.
This is the experience of one man and his family who seek to share the Gospel through their work at an SGA supported Hope Centre in their home town - something they endeavour to do without fear or doubt.

Football’s universal popularity is a great way to engage with children and young people. Through the coaching of two teams, one made up of older teenagers and young adults, the other consisting of younger children, this faithful brother in Christ is seeking to tell others about Jesus. We rejoice that as a result, some are coming to faith.
Recently three young men were baptised. Two of them did so secretly, concerned about what their radical Muslim parents would do to them if they ever found out. Still they pray that the hearts of their relatives would be so softened that they would accept their decision for Christ without responding with violence.

Furthermore, two other new believers, also the children of Muslim parents, were recently married, not according to Islamic tradition as their parents had tried to insist, but by way of a Christian wedding that was held in the House of Prayer.
It is at this House of Prayer that other Muslim converts are meeting weekly for a Bible Study at which they are currently working their way through the Gospel of Matthew. Moreover, these faithful followers of Christ are bringing their friends and acquaintances along as well, many of whom have numerous questions to which they are eager to know the answers.

Pray that the courageous witness of those working in this Hope Centre would result in the salvation of many more Muslims, and that they will one day share the Gospel with courage and conviction too.

[Names have been deliberately withheld to protect the identities of some of those mentioned.]