
Partnering with SGA

We have a number of ways for individuals to get involved:


Voluntary Representative

The SGA team greatly appreciates the support of a number of Voluntary Representatives, who help with new church bookings and visits from staff into their locality. Some Voluntary Representatives take a few meetings themselves. There is also opportunity for good fellowship at the annual conference and other special events.

If you believe you could serve as a Voluntary Representative we would love to hear from you. Please email the SGA Office: [email protected].


Prayer Coordinator

Prayer is so important to SGA’s ministry. To have men and women of prayer who can co-ordinate prayer matters within their churches, home groups and other meetings is vital. A Prayer Co-ordinator gathers prayer requests and items for praise from SGA resources such as Prayerline, Inside Story, Frontlines Magazine etc.

If you believe you could serve as a Prayer Co-ordinator for your church or group we would love to hear from you. Please email the SGA Office: [email protected].


Phoebe Representative

The vision is for Phoebe Representatives to share SGA Projects at women’s meetings in their area or county. SGA staff will help prepare you as a Phoebe Representative for this special role.

If you believe you could serve as a Phoebe Representative we would love to hear from you. Please contact our SGA Office by email: [email protected] or by phone: 01788 220699.


Prayer Group Coordinator

A Prayer Group Coordinator opens their home to host a SGA Prayer Meeting maybe three or four times a year, where other local supporters can come and enjoy an evening together of prayer and fellowship.

SGA Representatives try and attend the Prayer Meetings too.

If you can host or lead a local SGA Prayer Group we would love to hear from you. Please email the SGA Office: [email protected]