‘Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?’ This is the question that the apostle Paul asks in Romans 8:35 and the answer that he himself gives is, ‘Absolutely nothing’. Not even persecution.
However, that is not to say that Christians do not experience such opposition – on the contrary, in his second letter to Timothy, Paul writes that ‘all who desire to live a godly life will be persecuted’ [2 Timothy 3:12].
This is why Trans World Radio has produced a series of programmes designed to encourage believers who are suffering in this way. Supported by SGA, ‘Power in Persecution’ is being made available in five central Asian languages and it is hoped that it will be made available in a further two languages soon.
As well as being broadcast throughout Turkmenistan, the Turkmen version of the programme can also be heard further afield, in both Iran and Uzbekistan where there are many Turkmen speakers.

Known by some as the ‘North Korea of Central Asia’, Turkmenistan is a particularly difficult place in which Christians live. It is highly dangerous for believers within the country to openly respond positively to the programmes.
Nevertheless, judging from the number of times the material is being viewed on social media platforms, and the comments of listeners who live outside Turkmenistan, it is clear that there is considerable interest in the programmes among Turkmen speaking people.
Pray for all those who are involved in this vital ministry, that their labours will produce much fruit as many in central Asia come to rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.