Twenty years ago a man was shot dead. He was both a missionary and the pastor of the only church in a city in a Central Asian country which is recognised as a Muslim stronghold. In killing him, the Islamic extremists responsible for his murder hoped to silence the voice of what then was still a small, and relatively young, church.
They failed and the man’s death was not in vain, because today the church not only remains, but continues to serve the local community.
Back in 2002 when believers first came together in the city, they spent all their resources on purchasing and restoring part of an old building to act as a House of Prayer. Since then, years have passed and renovations are now required since the building is no longer considered a safe place for believers to gather. This may be used by the authorities as a reason for closing the building down.
The work needed is considerable. The roof has to be replaced, electricity and heating need to be installed, and the foundations of the building require strengthening. Once completed however, the building will be a place where 120 people can gather weekly for worship, those training for ministry can be taught, and 50-70 families whose children attend the Hope Centre, can be supported.
Pray that the renovations will take place, that the Gospel will continue to be proclaimed and, despite the former pastor’s death, the church will keep on growing.
This project is one of five buildings in Central Asia which SGA is helping to finance. In another location the construction of a new Prayer House / Hope Centre will provide the church with a facility where up to 100 people can meet. The believers will be regularly working with 50-75 children, 90% of whom will be coming from Muslim family backgrounds, and 25-30 families, of which half will be refugees from Afghanistan.
Pray that these buildings will be ‘stones that speak’ in communities.