Radio Ministry
Radio Ministry
Why is Radio still relevant?
Radio was one of the earliest ‘channels’ of outreach used by SGA, especially during the 50 years of Communism, when it was difficult to enter many countries. Radio enables the Gospel to reach places where missionaries sometimes cannot go, making it a ‘Mission without Walls’. Radio is still popular today, especially in Central Asia where less than 20% of people have access to the internet.
Where is SGA Involved?
‘Voice of the Gospel’, based in Warsaw, dates back to Christmas day 1965, when the very first radio programme put together in Warsaw was broadcast by Trans World Radio (TWR) from Monte Carlo.
Programmes are broadcast daily by about 50 radio and internet stations and can be heard in almost 300 Polish towns, cities, and communities abroad. Around 220,000 people tune in daily.
Nationally there are 10 Christian radio stations. ‘Voice of the Gospel’ in Oradea started to broadcast in 1994, and today is a 24hour on-the-air station. The remaining stations in major cities like Bucharest, all use material produced in Oradea, sometimes as much as 50%.
Central Asia
Since 2017 SGA has partnered with TWR, sponsoring a series of 52 programmes entitled ‘Power in Persecution’. The Mission is also funding the supply of radios, with SD cards containing downloads of evangelistic material and Christian music.
What type of programmes are aired?
Poland & Romania
Polish and Romanian programmes are similar, focusing on social and economic issues, local news, musical items, interviews, testimonies, sermons, missionary items, and devotional times.
In Poland are about 165 prisons and detention centres, with 80,000 offenders. Since 2002 about 90% of prisons facilitate tuning in, resulting in a number of conversions.
Central Asia
Central Asian programmes take the form of interviews. Those interviewed are from different locations like Algeria, Chechnya, Cuba, and have all suffered greatly for Christ! These testimonies are a great encouragement to persecuted believers.

TWR for me is firstly a missionary, who goes into places where we cannot go. Secondly, it is a productive ministry that reaches its goals and does what we failed to do. Thirdly, it is a pastor who cares for groups of people where there is a lack of leaders.
Testimony of an Uzbek pastor!

How to get involved
Pray that God will use this means to encourage, bring hope, joy, and strength to believers, many of whom live in isolated locations.
Pray that many in hospitals will be blessed by hearing the Christian message.
How to get involved
Use the project code
Call the office
01788 220699
Give by cheque
Cheques payable to Slavic Gospel Association
Give via bank transfer
Account Number 10839574. Sort Code 20-27-91.