Far East Russia

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Why is SGA involved in this region?

Few places on earth are as inhospitable as Far East Russia – record low temperatures, poor communication, lack of infrastructure, isolated communities. These physical features reflect the tragic spiritual reality – darkness, barrenness, and paganism. The small fledgling church, only 0.005% of the population, faces a gigantic challenge.

The task of reaching this huge region which is almost the size of the USA is so difficult and demanding, that it calls for a united effort of all five SGA International offices, Kingdom Air Corps from Alaska, and national believers to advance the Gospel.

The response necessary to this area is as unique as its conditions. The strategy for outreach includes equipping and financially sponsoring missionary pastors who will use existing churches as bases for evangelism of their local regions. In addition, missionary pilots will fly to isolated and unreached communities with the aim of planting churches which will become new outposts of Gospel ministry.

SGA has entered into partnership with local believers to advance the Gospel cause in this needy area.

What are the main goals of this ministry?

  • To mobilize missionary pastors and church planters.
  • To establish 100 new churches.
  • To support 25 missionary pastors and families in their ministry.
  • To help finance the training and ministry of missionary pilots and the maintenance of their aeroplanes. Many of the runways are primitive, so pilots require immense skill and patience.

Why is SGA funding important?

In an area where there are 6.3million people and only about 3000 believers there is much to be done. This is a task which can be carried out most effectively by national believers actively serving in partnership with SGA. With funding provided, possibilities emerge to make real changes in people’s lives for eternity.

Gospel workers are engaged in church planting, two planes are now operating, the work has begun, and with your support SGA will endeavour to provide what is required to reach the unreached.

How to get involved


  • That missionary pastors and their families will be protected and sustained and that others join them.
  • For Kingdom Air Corps, as it provides planes, equipment, and training for pilots who will be able to transport missionaries to otherwise inaccessible places.
How to get involved


Use the project code


Call the office

01788 220699

Give by cheque

Cheques payable to Slavic Gospel Association

Give via bank transfer

Account Number 10839574. Sort Code 20-27-91.

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