Beacons of Hope and Light

We need the church doors to remain open for the all-important work of preaching the Gospel.

In desperately dark days, the world needs beacons of hope and light and that is what the evangelical churches in Ukraine are seeking to be.

Sadly, we have been reminded again over the weekend that part of the strategy of the Russian military has been to attack Ukraine’s energy infrastructure in order to make life as difficult as possible.

Last winter generators of various types were purchased and distributed to churches across the country so that they could continue to be, ‘Beacons of Hope and Light’ amid despair and darkness in many communities. 

While the generators are still available, the pressing need this winter is funds to purchase fuel to power them. Right now, SGA is raising financial support in order that the lights stay on when the electricity goes off, a warm welcome continues to be offered to all who need it, and that church doors remain open for the all-important work of preaching the Gospel

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