Widows Support

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Helping vulnerable widows in Eastern Europe & Central Asia

For 20 years the Mission has been fulfilling the Biblical command to take care of the widow. This project is based on the words of Job.29v13. God has provided for this special ministry and we praise Him that SGA has been able to increase funding to widows. Approximately 1400 widows received vital help in the countries in which we serve! This was a real blessing for many, for whom basic commodities like food, wood for log burners, gas, and medicines can be very costly.

This project operates in BulgariaPolandMacedoniaMoldovaRomaniaSerbiaUkraine, and in Central Asia.

SGA offers help to four categories of widow…

  • Elderly widows whose husbands have died through natural cause.
  • Young widows who have lost their husbands through accident or illness.
  • Conflict widows whose husbands have died in war-torn Ukraine.
  • Outcast widows whose husbands disown them due to their conversion to Christ
War widow with her mother & daughter
How to get involved


  • Pray for widows receiving the 'Widows Support' through local churches. May it be a wonderful blessing to them.
  • Pray for the pastoral visits from the churches to the widows. May the good news of Christ be received.
How to get involved


Use the project code


Call the office

01788 220699

Give by cheque

Cheques payable to Slavic Gospel Association

Give via bank transfer

Account Number 10839574. Sort Code 20-27-91.

Give using the online form