Wheels and Wings
Wheels and Wings
Essential Tools
Cars and planes are ‘valuable conveniences’ for many, but for missionaries in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Far East Russia they are essential tools for effective Gospel ministry.
Recognizing this need, SGA has directed resources to enable God’s servants to extend and expand their outreach, and in some cases reach those who might not otherwise hear the Gospel. Financial gifts have underwritten the replacement of ageing cars, or the supply of vehicles designed to cope with the harsh, rugged, terrain. In Far East Russia, where travel by road is sometimes impossible, God’s servants take to the air. Supporting such initiatives may be the only way to bring the Gospel to isolated communities blinded by pagan unbelief.
Reaching The Unreachable
- Name: Alexander Balagansky
- Location: Ulan-Ude City, Far East Russia
- Mission: To take the Gospel to the almost ‘unreachable’ communities of his region.
Recently, with SGA’s help, Alexander was able to purchase a Nissan X-Trail jeep. This is an invaluable tool as he makes long journeys across hostile terrain to visit unreached people groups in the Okinsky region of Far East Russia. There, people live in remote communities far away from the usual infrastructure of the modern world. Providing a vehicle has enabled Alexander to reach these lost people and is just one example of what practical Gospel partnership looks like on the ground.

Making A Difference
Making finance available for the purchase of suitable vehicles, enables dedicated servants of God to reach untouched communities with the Gospel.
In other situations, for example, in Ukraine, vans and minibuses have been acquired for critical relief work. These have proved a lifeline for many in the war situation, ferrying in essential supplies, and bringing out those in danger of injury and death.

Without this vehicle it would be impossible to make these visits.
Alexander Balagansky (Far East Russia)

How to get involved
That the missionary pastors will be kept safe on sometimes dangerous and difficult unkept roads.
That new churches will be planted in places only accessible by the provision of transport.
How to get involved
Use the project code
Call the office
01788 220699
Give by cheque
Cheques payable to Slavic Gospel Association
Give via bank transfer
Account Number 10839574. Sort Code 20-27-91.