Stones That Speak!

Get involved
Providing financial assistance for the building or renovation of Houses of Prayer in Central Asia.

For many years, SGA has provided financial assistance to our partners for the building or renovation of Houses of Prayer (church buildings) in Eastern Europe.

Now the Mission is responding to pressing needs in Central Asia! Due to faith restrictions, challenging circumstances, and the fact that believers are often viewed with suspicion, the church needs to be creative to help overcome these obstacles. One way is by establishing ‘Hope Centres’ – places of refuge and humanitarian aid – alongside Houses of Prayer. SGA is committed to supporting several building projects. We believe that they will be ‘Stones that Speak’ of Christ and His Church!

CENTRAL ASIA: Prayer House

Twenty years ago, Sergey, the missionary pastor of the only church in a Muslim stronghold was murdered. The Islamic extremist killers hoped this would to silence the voice of this young church but they failed! Today the church not only remains, but continues to serve the local community. However, there is a pressing need!

The House of Prayer building is no longer considered a safe place for believers to gather. They fear that this may be used by the authorities as a reason for closing the building down. Extensive renovation work is needed, including foundation strengthening, roof replacement and the installation of heating. When completed the House of Prayer will provide 120 seats for worship services, training and the care of needy families.

The required amount to complete this project is £8,500.

House of Prayer

CENTRAL ASIA: Prayer House and Hope Centre

Recently, a church has gone through hardship and trials. Within a short period of time, they lost their Prayer House and Hope Centre as a large construction project was planned for the site and so the Church was ordered to vacate their buildings. They prayed for a miracle.

The church refused to leave until some compensation was guaranteed. This received, they had to move out within four days. God stepped in to this critical situation! A house and plot came up for sale in the town centre, but there was intense interest by many and the sale was next day.

The pastor approached the lady seller to explain why they wanted to buy the plot. Her response was amazing. She said that whenever she had suffered need, the believers in the church never failed to help her and her children. Now, she said, ‘The time has come for me to thank you!’ She rejected all other offers and sold the land to the church! It is hard to describe the joy of the church. Truly God had given them their ‘miracle’!

This new construction will allow the church to accommodate up to 100 people. The believers there will regularly work with 50–75 children, and 25–30 families, 90% of whom will be coming from Muslim family backgrounds. Half will be refugees from Afghanistan. By serving them, they will reach them with the Gospel.

The required amount to complete this project is £20,000.

Three Other Prayer Houses / Hope Centres Need Financial Assistance

CENTRAL ASIA – Prayer House
The completion of a new Prayer House will provide seating for 100 people and a facility which the church can effectively use seven days a week for its regular programmes. Over 100 children and teenagers will be able to regularly attend and learn about Jesus Christ. Through them, God also provides opportunities to reach their families for Christ.

The required amount to complete this project is £8,500.


CENTRAL ASIA – Hope Centre
We expect to see this church growing stronger in the near future and having the possibility of working with 35–50 children and 15–20 families.

The required amount to complete this project is £6,500.


CENTRAL ASIA – Hope Centre
When the Hope Centre is completed, the church will be able to regularly serve 35–50 children, 25–40 teenagers and over 20 Muslim families.

The required amount to complete this project is £11,000.

How to get involved


  • Please pray for the growing churches in Central Asia. We thank God for the need of new or renovated Houses of Prayer.
  • Pray these Houses of Prayer will be a blessing to each believer and to the communities too.
  • Pray for protection against any persecution that arises because of the Houses of Prayer and their Gospel witness.
How to get involved


Use the project code


Call the office

01788 220699

Give by cheque

Cheques payable to Slavic Gospel Association

Give via bank transfer

Account Number 10839574. Sort Code 20-27-91.

Give using the online form