Sharing The Living Word
Sharing The Living Word
Supplying Bibles to Central Asian Families
A Bible pack containing an adult copy of the Scriptures and a Children’s Bible will be offered to families in the five countries of Central Asia. The inclusion of the Children’s Bible is designed to catch the interest of parents as well as children, for Central Asian peoples are drawn to stories and narrative. This can be an effective way of introducing adults to the reading of the inspired Scriptures.
SGA has been involved in the translation and distribution of Bibles in the major languages of Kazakh, Uzbek and Tajik. However, there are over thirty ethnic groups in Central Asia, and to supply each with a translation of the Bible in their own language would constitute an almost impossible task.
SGA’s Bible Project therefore, includes the production and supply of 100,000 Russian Bibles, for Russian is the ‘common language’ of the whole region and is understood by the majority of people.
Purposeful Placement
The family unit and family solidarity are paramount in Muslim society. Placing the Word of God in a home environment has the potential to reach several generations of an extended family with the Gospel.
The approach will be prayerfully planned, with distribution of the Bibles undertaken by local churches, whose members will visit 2 – 4 families with whom they are in contact and in whom they will take a personal interest. Believers will pray for them before visiting and presenting the Bibles.
This is not a ‘hit-or-miss’ venture which concludes when Bibles have been placed. The believers who deliver the Bible packs will continue to keep contact with those they have visited, and follow them with their prayers.
In this way, opportunities for personal evangelism will be created.

Reaching people with God‘s Word, winning them for Christ and leading them into discipleship - this is our vision.

How to get involved
For those giving the Bibles to family, friends and neighbour. May their witness be bold and effective.
For each Bible to be opened and read, that the Holy Spirit will give wisdom and insight, leading to faith in Jesus Christ.

It costs
to buy a pack which includes an adult and children's Bible
How to get involved
Use the project code
Call the office
01788 220699
Give by cheque
Cheques payable to Slavic Gospel Association
Give via bank transfer
Account Number 10839574. Sort Code 20-27-91.