Central Asia Ministries

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Why is SGA involved in this region?

The legacy left by decades of Communism in Central Asia (CA) was a spiritual void which was quickly filled by Islam and its false worldview. In turn this caused suffering, oppression, and in particular persecution of Christian groups.

Central Asia comprises five republics – Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. The need for Biblical Leadership Training and financial support for missionary pastors is a growing requirement as the Church reaches out with the Gospel. With a population of over 64 million, the republics of CA are largely unevangelized. Evangelicals are estimated to be around 0.1% in this largely Islamic or pagan region of the world. For more than twenty years SGA has partnered with local believers offering them vital support.

What are the main areas of ministry?

Bible Training

This is carried out in partnership with the Almaty Bible Institute which offers accredited Biblical education. Distance learning is available through Bibel Mission’s Independent Bible Correspondence Course.

Leadership Support

Financial help is offered to pastors and church planters in ministry, and for the provision of places of worship and for transportation.

Crisis Response

The material and social needs of CA are acute with many adults turning to drink and drugs to escape difficulties they face. This results in much neglect especially of children. The older population is greatly affected by poverty and

Camp Ministry

Every year thousands of children attend Christian camps. Often this is their only time to escape difficulties at home and to hear the Gospel.

Who is involved?

As Central Asia covers an enormous area, no one organisation can serve this region effectively. SGA is acutely aware that partners in mission are essential to be able to maximise every Gospel opportunity. SGA’s partners are the German-based ‘Bibel Mission’ which has headquarters in Almaty; Trans World Radio broadcasting to the whole of CA; and the Almaty Bible Institute with whom SGA partners in ministry training. These partnerships also involve national believers who are actively serving God and reaching their own nations for Jesus Christ.

SGA also supports Bible students and pastors from these regions to strengthen the principle of equipping local believers to reach their own people. SGA always tries to encourage national believers to engage with their fellow-countrymen.

  • Bible Teaching: Almaty Bible Institute is a leading training centre for evangelical Biblical teaching in CA.
  • Student Sponsorship: 25 ABI students receive a grant to help cover costs. £50 p/m sponsors a Bible College student.
  • Independent Bible Correspondence School offers an excellent distance learning course for those who cannot attend a residential based centre. There are approx. 700 students enrolled on this course from all five republics. £15 p/m covers the expenses of an IBCS student.
  • Sponsoring Leaders: SGA is supporting 33 missionary pastors in Central Asia. Around £200 p/m supports a missionary pastor.
  • Providing Literature: Thousands of Bibles have been supplied to people who have no access to God’s Word in their own language. The cost of a Bible is £5.
  • Radio Ministry: By supporting Trans World Radio, SGA helps suffering believers to receive much needed encouragement, and unbelievers to be introduced to the Gospel. £160 is the cost of a single radio broadcast.
  • 1-10 Evangelism: An initiative engaging more than 3500 local believers individually to reach out to ten unbelieving contacts with Gospel literature.
  • Joy of Christmas: Every year thousands of children receive a personal Christmas gift in a specially designed box which illustrates the Christmas story. £10 provides a ‘Joy of Christmas’ gift.
  • Widows: Hundreds of widows receive vital support, financially and spiritually. £50 provides vital support for widows.
  • Camp ministry: SGA support enables around 2000 children to attend a Christian camp. It costs £25 to fund a child at camp.
  • Hope Centres: These provide accommodation and security for vulnerable women and children. There are twenty-two Hope Centres based in CA of which fifteen receive regular support. These are staffed by believers who endeavour to create a warm and inviting environment for neglected and abandoned children. £1 per day provides for a child in a ‘Hope Centre’.

Why is SGA funding important?

The scale of the issues faced both spiritually and materially are enormous. For Gospel workers on the ground, SGA’s funding is always more than just providing for their essential needs. It demonstrates that we care, support, and serve them in what they are doing for the Lord’s work. Many Gospel workers and projects simply would not be able to achieve what they do without the help of the Lord’s people from outside. As SGA has been serving and supporting these people for many years, we have seen how consistent funding has achieved much in Gospel expansion.

How to get involved


  • That believers who face persecution will be strengthened to persevere in their faith and that governments would soften their opposition stance to the church and evangelism.
  • That many Gospel opportunities will be created through the various projects in which SGA are participating and supporting.
How to get involved


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Account Number 10839574. Sort Code 20-27-91.

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