Biblical Leadership Training

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Providing solid Biblical foundations for sustained gospel ministry

SGA’s Biblical Leadership Training Programme developed because churches in post-Communist Eastern Europe longed for the kind of ministry and leadership prescribed in Scripture. They asked for help to train leaders for thousands of needy churches, and also church planters to take the Gospel to new communities.


God puts a premium on good leadership. The prophet Ezekiel records, at a time when the leadership of Israel was corrupt and hypocritical, that God Himself would step in to provide that necessary leadership:

‘I will feed my flock and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God’.  Ezekiel 34:15

Concern for sound leadership permeates the Scriptures, in the Old Testament history of Israel and in the New Testament church. Luke records that God’s people continued in the apostles’ doctrine, taught and led by men of God. The apostle Paul saw this vital need in the churches of Crete and instructed Titus to address it:

‘…set in order the things that are wanting and ordain elders in every city…’  Titus 1:5


SGA Mission Schools offer part-time theological study and Biblical training at strategic venues across several regions. Teaching in the Mission Schools is shared with local leaders.

The chosen locations allow students to continue their local church ministry and at the same time improve their knowledge and develop their gifts. A well- structured, culturally adapted curriculum tailored to suit all needs is covered, with three main areas of study:

  • Biblical and Doctrinal Studies
  • Mission and Evangelism
  • Preaching and Pastoral Ministry

In several countries SGA teachers ‘feed into’ training courses already organized by local churches or training institutions, for example Odessa Theological Seminary, Ukraine, Emanuel University, Romania, and Almaty Bible Institute, Kazakkhstan. Financial support is also offered for a distance learning course which operates in several Central Asian countries.

Essential to the success of every school is the commitment of local directors, who organize and supervise the course, and give vital pastoral care and support to students both during and after their studies.

Mission Schools are organized in centres accessible to churches scattered within a needy region. Students are willing to travel to study and to learn. Flexibility of place and time is the key to offering the training to as many as possible.

Proven Effectiveness

The Biblical Leadership Training programme is now into its fourth decade, and in those years many hundreds of men and women have been given the invaluable opportunity to prepare themselves under God for a lifetime of Gospel ministry.

We continue to partner with many who have been students at our Mission Schools and remain in ministry today. Some, like Pastor Oni Mladin (Romania), are now respected national Christian leaders.

Existing churches have been given new pastors, evangelists and department leaders, and churches have been planted in previously spiritually barren places. Thousands have found new life in Christ. To God be the glory!

The aim of SGA's programme is to provide solid Biblical foundations for sustained gospel ministry.

Existing churches have been given new pastors, evangelists and department leaders.

How to get involved


  • Pray for all the SGA staff and invited teachers who lecture.
  • We praise God for the vital and faithful ministry of translators.
  • Pray for the School Directors as they administer Mission Schools, and mentor students.
  • Pray for all the students currently being trained, especially those in countries where it is difficult to openly preach the Gospel.
  • Praise God for the many hundreds of students who have graduated, and pray that God will greatly bless them in their ministries.
How to get involved


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01788 220699

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Account Number 10839574. Sort Code 20-27-91.

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