Publishing Literature
Publishing Literature
A range of Bible and literature projects are supported, with our main emphasis on ‘in-country’ publication.
The legacy left by fifty years of Communism in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is a desperate shortage of Bibles, concordances, commentaries and Christian books which many in the West take for granted. Through its literature ministry SGA’s aim is to give everyone in Eastern Europe access to good Christian literature which will help meet their spiritual needs and equip them for service.
To achieve this, resources are used in two ways. Firstly, in consultation with local denominational leaders, books by some able theologians in the West are translated, published and distributed. Secondly, national Christians are supported and encouraged in the work of writing and publishing material suitable for, and addressed particularly to the needs of their own countries.
SGA’s desire is to provide a wealth of material that will be of benefit to the churches in Eastern Europe for generations to come.